
Just Suse Linux is officially supported, other Linux distributions will probably get some obstacles that needs to be removed (as on Gentoo Linux).


For the following it is recommended to install Logo Soft comfort to a users directory as ~/Siemens/LOGOComfort_V8.2 to avoid conflicts with the system installation.

To be able to read the DVD the Linux must be able to support udf. This might not be activated under Linux since the kernel source recommends to deactivated it.

cat /usr/src/linux/.config | grep CONFIG_UDF_FS will show how it is set

If not set, then recompiling the kernel with CONFIG_UDF_FS set.

Under Linux open the mounted DVD in the file manager.

Open start.html to see nicely what the dvd contains

As regular user (not root) open a console cd /run/media/<.....>/LOGOCOMFORT/Linux and start ./ so all error messages might pop up and remain on the screen.

First error might be bash: ./ Permission denied

This appears to be a nasty problem, since setting executable permission to the file means write to the read only DVD. One way out is to copy the complete DVD to a hard disk having a ext partition (not FAT) and set the executable permission to ./ Then remove the DVD and ./ the copy.

The next error arrives Next error chmod: cannot access '/CDROM_Installers/Disk1/InstData/Linux64/VM/Setup.bin': No such file or directory

This can be fixed as root by creating a symbolic link ln -s <directory where the copy is>/CDROM_Installers/ /

Verify that /CDROM_Installers holds the files as /CDROM_Installers/Disk1/InstData/Linux64/VM/Setup.bin

Now as regular user start ./

Luckily the installation ask for a destination folder. This allows to install as example into a user account and therefore avoiding any conflict with the Linux systems package manager.


Select the destination directory name carefully because a later rename can confuse java and therefore damage the installation.

After installation the LOGOComfort shell script found in the installations directory can be started.

Unfortunately there is no desktop file. So opening File manager an double click, start it via console or create manually a desktop file is the way to go.

Example 4.1. Logo.desktop file

[Desktop Entry]
Icon=<path where installed>/Samples/Siemens.gif
Exec=<path where installed>/LOGOComfort

LOGOComfort.ico would be a nicer Icon and can be found in the DVD's Windows directory. Copy it somewhere and adapt the icon path.

desktop-file-validate logo.desktop

Now it is time to clean up delete <the directory where the copy is> and delete the sym link rm /CDROM_Installers

When working a "adapter type" runtime error might pop up. This can be fixed by adding a "Suse Linux file" for every Ethernet adapter found. The file name has to contain the Ethernet adapter name as ifconfig shows. Example touch /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-enp3s0


SP1 requires to registration for the download.

The V8.2.1 version gets installed calling <some dir>/LOGO V8_2 SP1 complete/LSC_V8_2_SP1 Upgrade/LSC_V8_2_SP1_Installers/InstData/Linux64/VM/ after having set the executable permission. As destination directory the previous directory where V8.2.0 has been installed can be selected.

SP1 comes also with new firmware to be put in old PLC's.

SP1 comes with the Logo Web Editor that gets installed calling <some dir>/LOGO V8_2 SP1 complete/LSC_V8_2_SP1 Upgrade/LWE_V1_SP1-Installer/Linux/ after having set the executable permission.


Version 8.3 can be downloaded and after unzipping and putting executable permission on Setup.bin, ./Setup.bin can be started.

Consider to install it in your home directory as ~/Siemens/LOGOComfort_V8.3 to not get in conflict with your Linux distributions package manager.

Adapt the new path in the desktopfile



Get the file and upzip it.

cd <path>/Web_Installers/LOGO! Comfort/InstData/Linux64/VM and set executable permission to Setup.bin and start it ./Setup.bin

Install it into your home directory as ~/Siemens/LOGOComfort_V8.4

Adapt the new path in the desktopfile


If desired delete the old versions as ~/Siemens/LOGOComfort_V8.3 and the unzipped directory <path>/Web_Installers

Linurs startpage